Friday, April 16, 2010

3 sisters nostalgic school adventure

since all three sisters were in taipei, we decided to visit our old elementary school.  accompanying male friends found the whole experience bizzare.  quote kevin:  weren't you locked up in there for twelve hours a day?  why would you like to go back to it.

most of my waking hours during childhood were spent in and around school.  without the school, there is no childhood memory!

the washroom i was in charge of cleaning in grade 3.  it used to be unisex but now it's separate.  i suppose that makes more sense, even though it never bothered me when i was younger.

Erica and the way to her classroom.

Kay and her basket.  the hoop seems so short now...

Kevin wasn't very comfortable...

"be a lively good student."  the sign looks so old now...

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